Tuesday 5 November 2013

Conflict Resolution - Day 2

After you participated in the group activity, please complete the following questions and send them in as a logbook entry.
  1. What role did you have? Paul, Christy, Mediator or Scribe
  2. Was your group able to mend the harm done between Paul and Christy? Explain your answer in at least four sentences.
  3. Christy's Viewpoint
    • What was Christy’s conflict style before Paul’s outburst?
    • If you were Christy, would you have approached the problem with Paul differently? How so?
  4. Paul's Viewpoint
    • What was Paul’s conflict style before his outburst?
    • If you were Paul, would you have approached the problem with Christy differently? How so?
  5. Provide three suggestions on how we can avoid conflict like this from arising in The Cave.
Just in case you've forgotten, the Conflict Styles are:

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