Sunday 3 November 2013

Conflict Resolution - Day 1

You will need today's handout (Conflict Resolution Day 1 booklet) in order to complete this logbook entry.

Please complete the following. All answers can be put into a logbook entry and then sent to me by the end of the class.

  1. Read the Assumptions page in the booklet.
    • Give an example of an assumption you or another person made that led to a misunderstanding. You must have been involved in the situation. When you describe the assumption, you must include a description of the intent, action and effect. Your answer must be at least four sentences.
  2. Complete the conflict style questionnaire in the booklet. 
    • What is your conflict style(s) according to this questionnaire?
    • Do you agree with the results of this questionnaire? Why or why not?
  3. Give an example of a conflict you have encountered in the past. 
    • Describe in detail what the conflict was about and your role in it. 
    • What conflict style did you use? Give evidence that you used that particular conflict style.
    • Was the conflict resolved? 

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