Monday 11 November 2013

Survivor - Questions

  1. How did your group make decisions when the candidates had to be ranked. Give a specific example.
  2. Who influenced the decisions in your group? How did he/she do this?
  3. How was conflict managed in your group? What conflict styles were used?
  4. Rate out of 10 your overall satisfaction with your group's decision on who should be allowed to stay in the Biosphere, with 10 being extremely satisfied and 1 being not satisfied at all. Give an explanation for why you chose this rating.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Conflict Resolution - Day 2

After you participated in the group activity, please complete the following questions and send them in as a logbook entry.
  1. What role did you have? Paul, Christy, Mediator or Scribe
  2. Was your group able to mend the harm done between Paul and Christy? Explain your answer in at least four sentences.
  3. Christy's Viewpoint
    • What was Christy’s conflict style before Paul’s outburst?
    • If you were Christy, would you have approached the problem with Paul differently? How so?
  4. Paul's Viewpoint
    • What was Paul’s conflict style before his outburst?
    • If you were Paul, would you have approached the problem with Christy differently? How so?
  5. Provide three suggestions on how we can avoid conflict like this from arising in The Cave.
Just in case you've forgotten, the Conflict Styles are:

Sunday 3 November 2013

Conflict Resolution - Day 1

You will need today's handout (Conflict Resolution Day 1 booklet) in order to complete this logbook entry.

Please complete the following. All answers can be put into a logbook entry and then sent to me by the end of the class.

  1. Read the Assumptions page in the booklet.
    • Give an example of an assumption you or another person made that led to a misunderstanding. You must have been involved in the situation. When you describe the assumption, you must include a description of the intent, action and effect. Your answer must be at least four sentences.
  2. Complete the conflict style questionnaire in the booklet. 
    • What is your conflict style(s) according to this questionnaire?
    • Do you agree with the results of this questionnaire? Why or why not?
  3. Give an example of a conflict you have encountered in the past. 
    • Describe in detail what the conflict was about and your role in it. 
    • What conflict style did you use? Give evidence that you used that particular conflict style.
    • Was the conflict resolved? 

Monday 21 October 2013

Management Styles

Quiz on Thursday! One question will involve outlining The Cave hierarchy of management. The rest of the questions will be based on the management assignment.

In your textbook, three management styles are given: power-oriented, routine-oriented and achievement oriented.

  • Power-Oriented: Manager maintains control over the whole operation.
  • Routine-Oriented: Manager focuses on keeping the operation running smoothly, not on growth/ advancement.
  • Achievement-Oriented: Manager is open to new ideas and seeks out employee suggestions.

There are many other management styles, some of which are listed below:

There has been a slight change to question #7 on the management assignment from Friday. Please see that blog post for further explanations.

Tuesday 15 October 2013


Today we will be looking at what is involved with managing a business. You will be quizzed on this material next week so make sure to keep all of your work for studying.

As a class, we will be discussing the different levels of management and will be creating a management pyramid for The Cave.
  • Top Management - Top management is made up of senior-level executives of an organization, or those positions that hold the most responsibility. These top managers are responsible for setting the overall direction of a company and making sure that major organizational objectives are achieved.
  • Middle Management - This level of managers report to top management and serve as the head of major departments and their specialized units. Middle managers serve as a liaison between top managers and the rest of the organization from a very unique standpoint. Middle managers essentially have the important role of designing, selecting, and carrying out the best plan possible as a means of propelling a company towards its overall goals.
  • Low Management - Low-level managers work most closely with the greater workforce and hold a much more interpersonal role than any of the other levels of management. These managers work to ensure that individual employees are meeting their performance goals in a way that aligns with the organizational goals, such as completing a set number of projects by a specific deadline or selling a set number of products within a certain period of time.

Today's Assignment:

Read chapter 14 from Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management (the green textbook), pages 306 to 318.

1. Identify and explain the management functions.

2. List and explain the key elements in a positive business climate.

3. Name and then define the three basic management styles.

4. List the skills needed for managing.

5. Why is it important to link the goals of the individual to the goals of the team?

6. How can the principles of management excellence help a business meet its goals?

7. Describe the ideal General Manager for The Cave. Your answer should be at least one paragraph (5-8 sentences) and should include at least five key terms from chapter 14. The Key Terms are located on page 318 under Key Terms Review.
*Along with the five key terms, choose one of the four management styles listed below that would best be suited to the general manager of The Cave. Provide an explanation as to why you choose that management style.

Case Study:
You are the owner and manager of a retail store. One of your sales clerks is regularly late to work and often does not show up at all. Yet her monthly sales volume is two to three times higher than that of the other salespeople. You do not want to fire this employee, but you need her to be at work every day on time.

Use the above case study to answer questions to answer questions #8 to #10.

8. What management style would work best in this situation and why.

9. What management skills would you use when approaching this situation and why.

10. You will need to have a conversation with this employee. List three things that you would say to her. Keep in mind that she brings in a large profit so you don’t want to lose her as an employee.

Quiz on Friday!

On October 18th, we will be having a quiz on the drink abbreviations for The Cave.You must get 100% in order to pass.
  • CM-Coffee
  • SM-Smoothie
  • HC-Hot Chocolate
  • IM-Ice Mocha
  • FV-French Vanilla
  • TC-Chia Tea
  • TE- Earl Grey Tea
  • TG-Green Tea
  • LF-London Fog
  • LC-Chai Tea Latte
  • S-Sugar
  • M-Milker