Friday 11 October 2013

The Hiring Process - Day 3

Mock Interviews Today!

In your pairs, you will take turns being the interviewer. When you are interviewing your partner, make sure you take notes on their responses. You will need to hand in this note sheet at the end of class. I am not expecting perfect spelling and grammar on these note sheets.

Once you have completed your mock interview (as both the interviewer and the interviewee) you need to write a small report on the following:

1. Your Role as the Interviewer
  • In one paragraph ( 5-8 sentences), explain whether or not you would hire the person you interviewed. You must provide proof (from the interview notes) to support your decision. Be as detailed as possible.
  • Give one example of something the interviewee did well (1 sentence).
  • Give one example of something the interviewee could improve upon (1 sentence).
2. Your Role as the Interviewee
  • Describe to me what you did well in the interview (2 sentences or less). 
  • Describe to me what you could have improved upon (2 sentences or less).
3. Email in a logbook entry showing that you have completed today’s tasks.
  • Do NOT attach a word document to your logbook email. Just copy/paste the text into the email.
4. Hand in your interview note sheet to Ms. McGill.

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